Maranatha F.A Cine

Founder, Coordinator of the ministry "Reverent Women", Maranatha is Born in Haiti-Montrouis, married woman, mother of three children. She lives in new York Long Island with her Husband-Nurse, hair stylist, Business administrator-women of God-her favorite bible scripture Prov. 3: 5,6

Andie M. Polistin

Andie M. Polistin is the president of the "Reverent Women" ministry . Married and lives in New York Long Island with her husband- Mother of three children, Nurse, women of God-her favorite bible scripture Psalms 107.

Shyrley Diegue

Secretary of the " Reverent women" ministry -Shyrley Diegue is Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, married Christian women-Nurse, mother of three children, lives in New York Long Island with her husband- Her favorite bible scripture, Psalms 40:6

Edith Louisius

Edith Louisius is one of the "Reverent Women" ministry's advisor-born in Port-Au-Prince ,Haiti at Petion-ville-Married women, mother of three children, lives in Canada with her husband -educator, nurse-her favorite scripture Galatians 2:20.

Elvie B. Augustin

Elvis B. Augustin, is one of the " Reverent Women" ministry's advisor-Born, raised and lives in Haiti, married women, mother of three, educator, economist, pastry chef-her Favorite scripture Prov. 31:30


Inauguration Ceremony